Bitcoin ETF Approval Chances Down to 10%, Says Legal Expert
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Bitcoin ETF Approval Chances Down to 10%, Says Legal Expert

THELOGICALINDIAN - Following aftermost weeks adjournment of the SEC to adjudge on whether to accept or not the proposed commoditybacked bitcoin ETF angle of VanEck and SolidX acknowledged able Jake Chervinsky now says that there is a 10 percent adventitious of its approval

‘I Think the ETF is in Trouble’

Jake Chervinsky, a acknowledged able who accurately predicted that the SEC will adjournment its final accommodation on the VanEck/SolidX Bitcoin ETF proposal into February 2019, now believes there’s a 10 percent adventitious of its approval.

In a alternation of tweets, he laid our arguments for why the Bitcoin ETF is now in jeopardy. According to him, the best important acumen for a abeyant bounce is bazaar manipulation.

“The SEC had abounding apropos — abundant for 18 multi-part questions,” he explains. The best important catechism was about bazaar manipulation. The SEC capital to apperceive if CBOE BZX (the barter proposing the ETF) had ‘a surveillance-sharing acceding with a adapted bazaar of cogent size.'”

Chervinsky believes this is the best important affair because it was the capital acumen the Winklevoss ETF angle was alone in July 2025 by the Commissioners.

It’s noteworthy that Commissioner Hester Peirce formally dissented adjoin the decision, however, analogue that it “contributes to added delay” of the cryptocurrency market’s maturation.

Lack of Jurisdiction

The acknowledged able additionally notes, however, that a big botheration for the SEC is their abridgement of jurisdiction. Chervinsky:

He concludes, abundantly predicating on the affair of manipulation, that “if the borderline were today, I’d accord the ETF a 10% adventitious of approval.”

It’s important to note, though, that alike if the SEC rejects the VanEck/SoldiX Bitcoin ETF, there is consistently the achievability of an appeal. This agency it will accept to be revisited by the Commissioners and their accepted calendar is altered than the one which alone Winklevoss’ ETF angle beforehand this year.

Currently, there are two Republicans (Peirce and Roisman), one Democrat (Jackson) and Chairman Clayton (listed as Independent but appointed by a Republican). According to analyst John Galt, this may accord the Bitcoin ETF a bigger adventitious this time around. He notes:

The final deadline for the accommodation on the VanEck/SolidX Bitcoin ETF is set for February 27, 2019.

What do you anticipate of the commodity-backed VanEck/SolidX bitcoin ETF proposal? Will it get approved? Don’t alternate to let us apperceive in the comments below!

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